| Established in 1947
Louis De Ponte Sr. founded Triple L Ranch to fulfill his dream of raising purebred bar Angus together with his son Louis Jr. who was nicknamed “Bully” after the fighter John Bull. His father and his grandfather Manuel De Ponte instilled in Bully a deep love for ranching as well as protecting the land he worked and lived on.
Bully was an “old-school Paniolo" — a Hawai'ian cowboy — and eventually became a champion bull rider. He worked hard to keep the Triple L Ranch and surrounding Kanaio land alive and thriving until his death in 2011. Bully was a legendary figure in Maui, and his presence was sorely missed in the Paniolo community.
Louis “Bully” DePonte Jr. in 2011
| A legacy of 5 Generations
Bully's love of Kanaio passed down to his children and grandchildren who, together with his wife Paige, work hard to maintain the Triple L Ranch as the "Last Free-Range Frontier" on Maui. Paige De Ponte owns and runs the Triple L full-time these days, making her one of the only 100% women run a cattle ranches in Hawaii. Paige has an amazing crew to help, including a relationship of 30+ years with the Wong family, who have also been an integral part of Triple L Ranch roundups — a full two day event twice a year as part of our ranching.
| Bully’s Burgers
So as to not let Bully just “slip away into the sunset", his wife Paige and son Zach opened Bully's Burgers in 2011, a food truck located just below the ranch that serves up 100% Natural, Certified Organic, Free-Range All Beef Burgers, right from the ranch’s cattle herd. Locals and tourists alike come for the delicious burgers and incredible views. Today the world famous farm to table burgers are served up by Maurissa Deponte with her heart of gold filled with aloha!
| Paige De Ponte
Paige DePonte has been close to horses for over 40 years, she founded the Triple L Ranch Horseback Tours in 2011 as a way to keep the family grass fed cattle ranch Triple L Ranch operational. Prior to the horse tours Paige traveled to thirty- nine countries as a professional photographer, she is a published author of several photography books including a memoir titled “Nobody’s Girl under her pen name Sybil Page. Paige has produced several documentaries and written multiple film scripts, winning multiple awards. Today, Paige paints mixed media, her muse being her 15 loving horses, whom inspire her everyday and inspired the creation of this program.
Paige traveled the world but Maui has always been her base, it brings peace, as she is a warrior for healing as she is a survivor of complex trauma herself. Paige’s passion of giving back to Maui’s community began in 2011 when her husband passed away, she found a place of healing and joy with her horses and their inspiring sentient souls. She has created the nonprofit “The Spirit Horse Ranch” as a Trauma Informed Care Equine Assisted Healing Center for children of Trauma 2021. A place to heal and rebuild positive futures for children, especially here on Maui.
Paige is a Certified Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator for both Triple L Ranch Healing Hearts and The Spirit Horse Ranch. Paige is also a HeartMath Trauma Informed Care Facilitator And Art Therapist. Today Paige enjoys her ranch with family of four children and ten grandchildren, her amazing horses her best buddy Blue an Australian Sheppard and her passion for protecting the future of every child.
| Zach De Ponte
Zach, son of the late Bully De Ponte, is a construction foreman and father whom together with his beautiful wife Luana they raise 5 strapping boys. Zach coaches baseball and football for his sons. Zach helps manages Triple L Ranch’s cattle operations and now heads up the cattle round ups with his sister Mauirssa. Zach’s sone are Izzy (17), Zayden (10), and Rhett Louis (6) Kolt (2) Layne 7 months.
| Maurissa De Ponte
Maurissa, sister of Zach and daughter of Paige and Bully, is our Chef-in-Residence and owner at Bullys Burgers, she runs the Cattle Operations and is also Triple L Horse Tours Manager. She can do anything from fixing the ranch vehicles, water lines and fences! She is a certified Equine Assisted learning facilitator for both Healing Hearts and The Spirit Horse Ranch! And she is the proud mother of three mini Paniolos: Kahealani (17), Kupono (15), and Kamali'i (10). These three wranglers all ride horses and are a big with help with all the ranch chores.